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Condo management confirms building security guard has coronavirus - by Jenny Yuen

The building management of a Scarborough condominium has confirmed one of its onsite security staff has tested positive for coronavirus.

A picture of the paper notice was posted on Reddit which indicated that York Condominium Corporation — which manages 4091 and 4101 Sheppard Ave. E. — was recently informed one of its security guards was diagnosed with COVID-19 after having returned from an overseas trip on Feb. 23.

“We are told that he is currently at home in self-isolation, but he was working onsite at the condominium for portions of last week before the diagnosis,” the notice read.

Management for the building — located near Kennedy Rd. — said it has taken a number of precautionary measures, including “performing a disinfecting operation in potentially affected areas using a professional emergency response contractor.”

The guard was provided by a third-party security provider.

It also is increasing cleaning in common areas, including lobbies, elevators, offices, laundry room and party room.

The Ministry of Health could not be reached for comment regarding this case.

On Tuesday, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health said two additional cases of COVID-19 were identified, with a total of 10 confirmed cases in Toronto. (Two have since recovered.)

The total current number of coronavirus in Ontario is 20.

In Canada, it’s 29, with eight cases in British Columbia and one in Quebec.

“(We) recommends cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces in general,” said Toronto Public Health spokesman Vinita Dubey.

“We also recommend for workplaces to follow any routine infection prevention and control policies and procedures set out by their company or organization. While, the COVID-19 virus does not likely live on surfaces for longer than a few hours, the best intervention to prevent the transmission of this virus in public places and from public surfaces is frequent handwashing, or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.”

Phone calls to York Condominiums building management were not returned Wednesday.

A resident at the 4101 Sheppard Ave. E. building, who didn’t wish to be identified, confirmed she saw the notice Tuesday evening.

“It’s good for (management) to notify us,” she said.

“We have security guards on the weekend and at night. I’m concerned, but there’s not much I can do about it. (The guard) isn’t here anymore.”



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